
Bou You Rou


建築面積 | 475㎡
延床面積 | 938㎡
用途 | 旅館
構造 | RC造、2階
設計 | 空間構想
協力 | Hokamura Design
構造 | KAP
設備 | 明野設備研究所
施工 | 田中建設(株)
技術協力 | 東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻建築材料研究室
写真 | 藤本一貴







Architecture of Ocean

Although Japan is surrounded by the sea, you will find that there are not many maritime-themed architectural traditions. Temples, castles, gardens, and other buildings that appear in textbooks on the history of Japanese architecture can be said to be almost all “architecture on land.” Furthermore, in recent years, as banks along rivers and coastlines have progressed, it has come to be thought that it is no longer possible for buildings to approach the waterfront. Perhaps we are too accustomed to “architecture on land”.

This project is a plan for a ryokan built on a cliff facing the west of the Sea of Japan. Located in front of the Sea of Japan, the building has a reinforced concrete wall structure. The outer wall was covered with external heat insulation, planned to be thicker than usual, and blast-furnace cement Type B was used instead of ordinary Portland cement. In addition, the concrete structure is resistant to salt damage, such as strength control with a formwork temperature sensor system, crack prevention with shrinkage reduction materials, and impregnation protection with inorganic coating materials.

The RC wall-type structure not only realizes the rationality of the plan, but also achieves good sound insulation. The floor plan is a double grid that overlaps the north, south, east, and west axes on the axis of the site.

There are many difficulties in “architecture by the sea”, such as material selection, workability, and various legal restrictions. I thought it might be possible to create a new architecture that could be transformed into the power of We hope that it will become Melkmaar to leave the “architecture of the sea” in the future, which is an environmentally severe location.
