Uchikanda Building
建築面積 | 124㎡
延床面積 | 1192㎡
用途 | 飲食店・事務所
構造 | 鉄骨造、12階
設計 | 空間構想一級建築士事務所
協力 | 辻昌志建築設計事務所
構造 | KAP
設備 | 明野設備研究所
ブランディング | GRAPH
施工 | (株)藤木工務店
Architecture carrying the genes of the future town
The environment where architecture is to be build appears fixed. So it is understandable that architecture is designed to fit in this context. However, after the building is completed, it is very likely that the surroundings would have changed. The building might have become inadequate to the context. That is why we propose a different approach.
What we proposed is not to fit completely the building to its context, but to imagine the ideal changes which might occur in the urban space, and trough architectural form sow the seeds for the for these changes. The architecture becomes a trigger for the evolution of the context.
Our building is a 12-story mixed use building in the heart of Tokyo, a minute walk from Yamanote line`s Kanda Station. The neighborhood is dense, riddled with small restaurants, shops and offices, which make up its distinct and lively character.
The first three level of the building are directly connected to the street through a winding outdoor staircase. On each level the landings create outdoor terases overlooking the crossroad bellow. These terases become audience seating in the middle of the city, and allow for more interaction between patrons and passersby, while the stairs lead visitors direct access to the establishments above. We imagine that neighborhood could be reborn and its character and density amplified through the propagation of such three-dimensional connections between city and building where more levels interact directly with the street. That is the ideal change we imagine, and tried embed it within our building. These are genes of the future town.

Creating alcoves in the town

An abstract volume emphasizes the outdoor staircase

Detail of the outdoor staircase