
Karaoke and Humankind


面積 | 7.45 ㎡
用途 | カラオケスナック – 仮設芸術作品
構造 | 木造
設計 | 空間構想一級建築士事務所 
施工 | (有)ハルカワホーム 
協力 | (株)タキロンシーアイ




A communication box

In 2018 we participated in the Echigotumari Art Trianale (Daichi Art festival) with a small karaoke and snack bar installation. We were given a space of 2.73m x 2.73m to develop our idea. Like the Japanese poet Kamo no Chomei who chose to witness the turmoil of his time from a small mountain hut, we felt it poetic to consider the new possibilities of the present age, when traditional values are crumbling from a similarly small space.
We named our project “Karaoke and Humankind”. Japan has an established snack bar tradition. Often the name is shortened to just “snack”. Those are places to bond through good time and song. With the help of local mama san (women who operate snack bars) we attempted to trigger communication between people through a space that pays homage to the culture of karaoke and snack bars. The topic of the festival was „Revitalizing the region “. There is no revitalization without the effort of locals. That is why we concieved a work of art where the local mama san are the protagonists. They entertain and make friends with visitors, they create and promote the authentic athomesphere of the Tokamachi snack.


The wall from the outside. Behind the semi-transparent envelope one can make out the sound absorbing wall panels which create volume and depth.


Composition of the sound absorption wall panels.


Construction diagram

An easy to construct wood frame is stuffed with sound absorption volumes made of red velvet.


Exterior picture

An abrupt opening in an abstract box


Interior picture

We had to repeatedly visit ( strictly for research) snack bars to decide on the material of the interior.