湘南工科大学附属高校 図書館

Library of Shonan Institute of Technology High School


設計 | 空間構想・風景研究所

構造 | KAP

設備 | EOS plus(電気) 持田建築設備設計事務所(機械)

外構 | EAU・AOI Landscape design
施工 | ブランギア

用途 | 図書館

敷地 | 神奈川県藤沢市

建築面積 | 595m²

床面積 | 1,420m²

構造 | RC造

階数 | 3階
写真 | 小川重雄




構造は耐力壁とフラットスラブの組み合わせによって構成されています。構造体である RC 壁は各階によって異なる配置、大きさ、形状を持っており、上の階の壁は下の階の異なる2つの壁にまたがるように配置することで、上階の荷重をまんべんなく下の階へと伝えることができます。

平面はおよそ 30m x 26m であり、五角形の平面形状を特徴としています。最高高さ約 14m の 3階建ての建物であり、階高は 1F から順に 3.5m, 4.5m, 5.5m と、上階にいくに従って階高が高くなる構成となっています。
教室はオープンスクール形式で設計され、構造体であるRC 壁は各階によって異なる配置、大きさ、形状を持っており、上の階の壁は下の階の異なる2つの壁にまたがるように配置することで、上階の荷重をまんべんなく下の階へと伝えることができます。

Various spaces in various places

The library building at Shonan Institute of Technology High School was planned in response to the aging of the original library building. We proposed to merge the library building with some of the classroom buildings, which were also deteriorating. The plan is approximately 30m x 26m and is characterized by a pentagonal plan shape. It is a three-story building with a maximum height of approximately 14 meters, and the floor heights are 3.5 meters, 4.5 meters, and 5.5 meters, in ascending order from the first floor, with higher heights on the upper floors. Initially, we considered the idea of zoning the classrooms and library according to their different functions, but we decided to place a classroom and a library on each floor, believing that the integration of the different functions would develop the potential of the students. The classrooms were designed in an open-school style, with the RC walls of the structure having a different arrangement, size, and shape on each floor, and the upper floor walls spanning two different walls on the lower floor, so that the load from the upper floor can be evenly transferred to the lower floor. This random wall structure allows for a nest-like architecture in which various places of residence are loosely connected, and in which high school students can engage in a variety of activities.
